3D Printing Notes Revision as of Friday, 14 February 2025 at 17:27 UTC
For a lovely little Prusa Mini+ ❤️
Assorted Notes
- Z-axis does not go higher than 145mm
- If you are not using your the printer, unload the filament, park it and COVER it.
- After a while, lube the printer’s arms. Don’t overdo it. A little dab is enough. Sewing oil works fine if you run out of the supplied Prusa paste.
Keep the filament in a sealed plastic bag! Dust is an enemy. I tried these bags as a way to keep the filament moisture-free. People have reported that they don’t do this and just use Ziploc bags with the original dessicant. I am a bit nuts.
The Sock
This is a silicone condom around the nozzle. It’s cheap and a no-brainer. This is what I got. Helps with a bunch of things but primarily: (1) the filament won’t stick to the nozzle which is nice and (2) it insulates the nozzle so you get a relatively consistent temperature when printing (esp when you increase the speed).
Nozzle Offset
In addition to the bed’s flatness, this is a good culprit for shitprints. Right now, I’m rocking -1.128.
- Top: Adjusted the height as it was printing.
- Middle: This led to shit results… height was not small enough.
- Bottom: Ideal height 🥲
Marketplaces and the like
- https://www.thingiverse.com/
- https://www.printables.com/
- https://thangs.com/
- https://www.tinkercad.com/things
- TinkerCAD - Easy to use, awesome.
- Fusion360 - Free for personal use but complicated for beginners.
- OnShape - Looks complicated.
- UltiMaker Cura
Some nice models
- Firmware Updates et al (copy BBF file, hit reset)