Backing up GMail with Got Your Back Raw

That would be [this script]( I installed on my Mac (10.13) via

brew install gyb

All config will be kept in `/opt/homebrew/etc/gyb`

I then ran this:

gyb --action create-project --email

This will create a new Project in Google Cloud (you will need to allow it to do so). You can delete/manage it via the [Resource Manager](

You will have to set up an OAuth API Client Key and Secret via the "[API and Services](" tab. This will require you to set up a _Consent Screen_. Make sure you do that (it will be External) via the wizard and then set up a Test User.

Once that's done, click "[Credentials](" (making sure that you're on the right project in the top dropdown!) and create credentials by clicking "Create Credentials" → "OAuth Client ID".

Give the creds to the GYB app in your terminal. Now run this:

gyb --email \
    --action backup \
    --local-folder "/path/to/folder"

You will then need to give GYB full backup and restore permissions else you'll see this error: [403: Insufficient Permission - insufficientPermissions]( If you see that, you should delete the `.cfg` file in `/opt/homebrew/etc/gyb/my-email\` and re-run that command, making sure you have given GYB backup and restore access.