Converting Fonts for the Web Raw

### Encode and Decode

#### Encode

function dataurl() {
    local MIMETYPE
    MIMETYPE=$(file -b --mime-type "$1")

    if [[ $MIMETYPE == text/* ]]; then
    echo "data:${MIMETYPE};base64,$(openssl base64 -in "$1" | tr -d '\n')";

#### Decode


sed 's/data:application\/font-woff;base64,//g' "$ENCODED_FILE" | base64 -D > "${ENCODED_FILE%%.*}.woff"

### WOFF, WOFF2, TTF, OTF, and SVG

Install [FontForge]( (on Homebrew) and then save this as a script (``) and make it executable. Now you can convert whatever you'd like.


Generate($1:r + ".ttf")
Generate($1:r + ".otf")
Generate($1:r + ".svg")

Run with

    fontforge -script name_of_script font.woff

You can also use [FontSquirrel's excellent Online Generator](


### Deprecated Stuff

#### EOT (Deprecated Format)

Install `ttf2eot` via Brew and then

	ttf2eot Inconsolata.otf > Inconsolata.eot

For a bunch of files,

	for f in *.otf; do ttf2eot $f > ${f%".otf"}.eot; done

#### Utilities

Install [this via Homebrew]( and convert away. It installs [this script]( and a bunch of dependencies.