Denyhosts Notes Revision as of Friday, 14 February 2025 at 17:27 UTC

Download and Install

Head over to

to download an RPM. Make sure that the major version of Python required
for the RPM matches that installed on your system.

python --version

Now install the RPM:

rpm -ivH DenyHosts-2.6-python2.4.noarch.rpm


By default, the installation is placed in /usr/share/denyhosts. A few
steps are required before starting the daemon.


This is the main config file. A sample file is provided and is called
denyhosts.cfg-dist. Make a copy of this file and start editing it:

cp denyhosts.cfg-dist denyhosts.cfg  
vim denyhosts.cfg

The file is beautifully self-explanatory, as are the
. Any further
explanation of the settings would be superfluous.

The denyhosts daemon

Like the config file, copy the daemon:

cp daemon-control-dist daemon-control  
chown root daemon-control  
chmod 700 daemon-control

No further configuration is necessary for the daemon if you’re on RHEL.

Starting the service

A symlink is necessary within /etc/init.d

cd /etc/init.d/  
ln -s /usr/share/denyhosts/daemon-control denyhosts  
./denyhosts start

Run at startup

chkconfig --add denyhosts  
chkconfig denyhosts on

Other Notes

Trusted IPs

The default WORK_DIR is /usr/share/denyhosts/data. An alternative is
/var/lib/denyhosts. An important consideration is the allowed-hosts
file, which lets you add an IP/range or domain as a ’trusted’ source
which won’t be banned (this can be fine-tuned in the denyhosts.cfg
file.) For example:


Removing IPs

If ever you need to do this, you will have to remove them from these


It is a good idea to add trusted hosts to the allowed-hosts file after
this and restart the service. You can also use this script:

# AUTHOR: Tommy Butler, email: $ echo YWNlQHRvbW15YnV0bGVyLm1lCg==|base64 -d
# VERSION: 1.0
# Use this script to Remove an IP address ban that has been errantly blacklisted
# by denyhosts - the ubiquitous and unforgiving brute-force attack protection
# service so often used on Linux boxen.
# Usage: Put this script somewhere in your $PATH, and execute it as root or
# with sudo.  Call it directly or with an IP address argument.  Multiple IP
# address arguments are not supported.  You'll need to `chmod +x` it first.
# GNU GPL 1.0
# Copyright 2011 Tommy Butler, All rights reserved
if [[ "`/usr/bin/id -u`" != "0" ]]; then
   echo "Run this script as root or with sudo or app can't run correctly.  Aborted."
   exit 1;
if [[ "`pwd`" != "$BASE_PATH" ]]; then
   echo "Couldn't cd to $BASE_PATH.  Abort."
   exit 1;
if [[ "$IP" == "" ]]; then
   echo "Enter the IP address you want to un-ban"
   read IP
if [[ "$IP" == "" ]]; then
   echo "No IP address given.  Abort."
   exit 1;
/etc/init.d/denyhosts stop
/usr/bin/perl -pi -e "s/^.*?$IP.*\n//g" /etc/hosts.deny *
/etc/init.d/denyhosts start
exit $?

Using netfilter itself

While denyhosts is pretty good with regard to features, you can do a
basic ‘bounce’ with the IPT_RECENT module.

iptables -N SSH_CHECK  
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -m state --state NEW -j SSH_CHECK  
iptables -A SSH_CHECK -m state --state NEW -m recent --set --name SSH  
iptables -A SSH_CHECK -m state --state NEW -m recent --update --seconds 60 --hitcount 4 --name SSH  
iptables -A SSH_CHECK -m state --state NEW -m recent --rcheck --seconds 60 --hitcount 4 --name SSH -j DROP

Test, test, test, test…

Enough said :)