Dovecot Revision as of Sunday, 20 December 2015 at 19:56 UTC

Written for CentOS 6.4, Dovecot 2.0.9. Users are system users, mailbox
style is Maildir (in their home accounts.)


Getting your mail is not something which can always be done via telnet
(insecure) or SSH (e.g. in the case of virtual accounts.)1
Dovecot allows you to get your mail using the
POP3 and/or IMAP protocols. It’s fast and secure out of the box.


The Dovecot instance will use POP3S and IMAPS in addition to POP3 and
IMAP. When TLS properly implemented with the latter pair, there’s really
no reason why the former would be required. Seems to be


   yum install dovecot
   chkconfig dovecot on
   service dovecot start


Turn off SSL (for now) in /etc/dovecot/10-ssl.conf.

   ssl = no

Initial Configuration

Edit /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf and set the protocols you want to serve

   protocols = imap pop3

Listen on IPv4 and IPv6 interfaces

   listen = *, ::

Location for run time data

   base_dir = /var/run/dovecot/

Now, in /etc/dovecot/10-mail.conf, tell Dovecot where to find the

   mail_location = maildir:~/Maildir

Start the service and make sure it’s running

   [root@example ~]# service dovecot start
   [root@example ~]# netstat -tulpn | grep dovecot
   tcp   0      0*         LISTEN      7183/dovecot
   tcp   0      0*         LISTEN      7183/dovecot
   tcp   0      0 :::110           :::*              LISTEN      7183/dovecot
   tcp   0      0 :::143           :::*              LISTEN      7183/dovecot


You can now telnet to either ports 110
(POP3) or 143
The syntaxes differ quite a bit.

Make sure firewall is poked :)


Now we use TLS with the POP3 and IMAP ports. All authentication and
message transfer will be done only after STARTTLS.

Edit /etc/dovecot/10-ssl.conf to enable SSL

   ssl = yes

And configure the certificates and keys you will use (ssl_cert and
ssl_key). If, like me, you’re using self-signed certificates from
StartSSL, you’ll need to specify the CA bundle as well (ssl_ca).

Now disable plaintext authentication in /etc/dovecot/10-auth.conf

   disable_plaintext_auth = yes

Restart the dovecot service. You’ll see ports 993 and 995 in the
netstat output. Use OpenSSL to test the POP3S service first:

   openssl s_client -connect

You should be able to log in and check some test messages. The IMAP
service should work fine as well.

Importantly, you should not be able to authenticate insecurely.

   [root@example ~]# telnet 110
   Connected to
   Escape character is '^]'.
   +OK Dovecot ready.
   user testuser
   -ERR Plaintext authentication disallowed on non-secure (SSL/TLS) connections.

This is good. Test like crazy!


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  1. I suppose you could use
    … but who does
    that? ↩︎