* Install Xcode
* Run Xcode, go to **Preferences**
* Sign-in under "Accounts"
* Tab over to "Downloads" and click the teeny arrow for "Command
Line Tools"
* Once installed, install Homebrew
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSkL raw.github.com/mxcl/homebrew/go)"
* Then install the Ruby Version Manager[^1]
curl -L https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable --ruby
* Source the RVM:
source /usr/local/rvm/scripts/rvm
* Install Jekyll
gem install jekyll
* Test. I did it by running `jekyll serve` from a
[Bootstrap](http://getbootstrap.com/) download[^2].
### Footnotes
[^1]: I temporarily had to `chown root:admin /usr/local/bin/brew` for
this to work (and then changed it back)
[^2]: `http://localhost:9001`