Password-protecting a page in Apache Raw


*   Speak to the sysadmin to check if the server's Apache config
    allows overrides. Basically, the `AllowOverrides` directive must be
    set to `all`.
*   Your password file can be called anything (i.e. not necessarily
    `.htpasswd`). I'm going to stick to `.htpasswd` since it's standard.

Working with Apache password files

### Creating a `.htpasswd` file

Let's add Ben

    [user@example snort]# htpasswd -c .htpasswd ben  
    New password:   
    Re-type new password:   
    Adding password for user ben

### Adding more users

Vitally important to **omit the `-c` flag**. Not doing so will truncate
the original file!

    [user@example snort]# htpasswd .htpasswd roger  
    New password:   
    Re-type new password:   
    Adding password for user roger

### Removing users

Edit the `.htpasswd` file and remove the line containing the user

### Changing user passwords

Precisely the same as adding users. `htpasswd` will figure out that
you're trying to update a password:

    [user@example snort]# htpasswd .htpasswd roger  
    New password:   
    Re-type new password:   
    Updating password for user roger

Using `.htaccess` to tie it all together

Create a file called `.htaccess` and add the following basic options
(there are *tons* more) to use your password file:

    AuthUserFile /full/path/to/.htpasswd  
    AuthGroupFile /dev/null  
    AuthName "Enter your credentials to view this page"  
    AuthType Basic  
      require valid-user  

Security Considerations

On a UNIX box, the `crypt` function is used to store passwords. I
recommend using the SHA algorithm instead:

    [user@example snort]# htpasswd -c .htpasswd ben -s

A crucially important consideration is that *all this is done in
plaintext*. Use SSL.