PiHole Notes Revision as of Thursday, 30 December 2021 at 03:08 UTC


# Upgrade PiHole and Gravity lists
pihole -up && pihole -g

# Restart DNS Subsystem
pihole restartdns


tail -f /var/log/pihole.log

New Regexes

Added this to /etc/pihole/regex.list. Just looks for tracking keywords.

# https://github.com/mmotti/pihole-regex/blob/master/regex.list

# Instart Logic

Then restart via sudo service pihole-FTL restart

New Blocklists

Find a big list here. Find the “ticked” lists here (these are safe to add and won’t cause issues.)

To install, go to Settings -> Blocklists and add them there. These used to go in /etc/pihole/adlists.list but adding these via the UI is better since PiHole 5 will use SQLite instead of flat text files.

SmartTV Blocklists

See this GitHub gist. I have Samsung TVs, so some caveats apply about blocking domains like cdn.samsungcloudsolution.com and (especially) time.samsungcloudsolution.com.

Google AMP 🙄

Add this list