ROCKS 5.3 Notes Revision as of Friday, 14 February 2025 at 17:27 UTC



List installed rolls

rocks list roll

Install a roll (on a running system)

You’ll usually get an ISO file. Let’s call it rocks-roll.iso

# Appending clean=1 will remove any older rolls of same name  
rocks add roll rocks-roll.iso  
# This should now show the newly added roll  
rocks list roll  
# Enable the roll  
rocks enable roll sge  
# Rebuild the distro  
cd /export/rocks/install  
rocks create distro  
# Run the roll; generates a setup shell script  
rocks run roll rocks-roll > /tmp/  
sh -x /tmp/

Note: When installing the SGE roll, I had errors about not finding the
“TRANS.TBL” file. Manually copying it
/export/rocks/install/rolls/sge/5.3/x86_64/RedHat/RPMS solved the
problem. Strange…

Remove a roll

# Disable and remove the roll  
rocks disable roll sge  
rocks remove roll sge  
# Rebuild the distro  
cd /export/rocks/install  
rocks create distro


Running a command on all nodes

This is far better than some bash cleverness since it’s done
simultaneously (and not sequentially).

rocks run host command="yum -y install gcc44*"

Testing the Kickstart File

/state/partition1/rocks/install/sbin/kickstart.cgi -c compute-0-1 >  
# This is better  
rocks list host profile compute-0-1 > compute-0-1.xml

Installing a Node

# Wait for the node to come up, for ROCKS to assign it a name & IP,  
# and for an asterisk like "(*)"

Assign a desired name to a node

insert-ethers does things very sequentially. If you have another set
of nodes that you want to number differently:

insert-ethers --rack=1 --rank=14

This will give your appliance a name like compute-1-14

Reinstalling a Node

Assume that compute-0-1 is the node under consideration.

If node is available

On the node to be reinstalled, run


You can also shoot it from the frontend

shoot-node compute-0-1

If node is unavailable

rocks set host boot compute-0-1 action=install  
# After the node has kickstarted; not doing this will result in infinite install loop  
rocks set host boot compute-0-1 action=os

Removing a Node

rocks remove host compute-0-9

Installing RPMs

I’m using ROCKS 5.3 on an x86_64 server.

Change IP address

rocks set host interface ip compute-1-0 iface='eth0' ip=''

See all IP and MAC addresses

rocks list host interface

Track usage

qacct -h

Removing the “-h” flag will give you the total system usage. This
command has a lot of switches and is quite flexible (e.g. per user,
per node, per job, since 8 days)


Starting the SSH Agent

You may get this error when trying to shoot a node:

[root@cluster ~]# shoot-node compute-2-1  
Shoot Node - version 5.5  
Usage:  /opt/rocks/sbin/shoot-node [-h] host ...  
Requires ssh-agent to launch

To start the SSH agent,

ssh-agent $SHELL  


ROCKS runs an alternate MySQL server on port 40000. It’s used to
maintain the SGE and Ganglia (amongst other) databases. Here’s the full


Luckily, you can turn it on and off like a SysV service:

service foundation-mysql stop  
service foundation-mysql start

You can also see what’s in the cluster database by connecting to the
socket specified:

mysql --socket=/var/opt/rocks/mysql/mysql.sock --user=rocksdb

Kickstart Params

View list of params with

rocks list attr

Here’s how you change the Kickstart_PublicAddress attribute

rocks set attr Kickstart_PublicAddress


I once needed to change the password to the Wordpress administration
page. The ROCKS manual said I should’ve used admin and the cluster’s
root password. This didn’t work, presumably since I changed the root
password later.

I was able to reset the Wordpress admin password by connecting using

mysql -uwordpress -p -hlocalhost --socket=/var/opt/rocks/mysql/mysql.sock

and issuing this:

UPDATE wordpress.wp_users
SET user_pass = md5('PASSWORD')
WHERE user_login = 'admin';
