Installing Samba
On CentOS, issue the following:
yum install samba samba-client
You can see all the files installed using `rpm -qd`. The chief one is
Creating a Samba users
Much like adding users to NIS, you need to add a user the Linux way and
tell samba about this user.
useradd -g sambausersgroup sambauser
passwd sambauser
Then tell Samba about this user:
smbpasswd -a sambauser
The two passwords can (obviously) be different. You may get an error
along the lines of:
account_policy_get: tdb_fetch_uint32 failed for field
From what I could learn, this is 'normal' for the first time `smbpasswd`
is run and should not appear the next time.
Setting up `smb.conf`
Make sure you have at least these lines under `[Global]` (adapt to your
specific case):
workgroup = HOME
server string = IT Support - Samba Version %v
netbios name = HOME Support System
security = user
passdb backend = tdbsam
encrypt passwords = yes
load printers = no
At the least, make sure that the `encrypt passwords` option is set to
`yes`. Although I will restrict access with IPTables, `smb.conf` itself
allows you to restrict access to resources on a share-by-share basis.
### Adding a share
In this example, I will create two shares: one read-only and another
read/write for `sambauser` created before.
[The Read-Only Share]
comment = This is a test read-only share
path = /home/sambauser/testreadshare
browseable = yes
guest ok = no
writable = no
valid users = sambauser
[The Read/Write Share]
comment = sambauser can read and write to this share
path = /media/uploads
browseable = Yes
guest ok = No
writeable = Yes
write list = sambauser
valid users = sambauser
**Important**: *Linux system permissions take precedence over
Samba permissions*. For example if a directory does not have Linux write
permission, setting samba `writeable = Yes` will not allow to write to
shared directory / share.
### Verify the correctness of `smb.conf`
Issue `testparm` and you should see something like:
[root@localhost ~]# testparm
Load smb config files from /etc/samba/smb.conf
Processing section "[IPC$]"
WARNING: No path in service IPC$ - making it unavailable!
NOTE: Service IPC$ is flagged unavailable.
Processing section "[Tech Shed]"
Loaded services file OK.
Press enter to see a dump of your service definitions
Hitting enter will dump your share definitions.
### Configure IPTables
The relevant ports are **UDP (137, 138)** and **TCP (139, 445)**. Here's a
iptables -A INPUT -p udp -m multiport --dport 137,138 -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m multiport --dport 139,445 -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT
iptables -A OUTPUT -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
Starting and monitoring Samba
service smb start
If you've changed your `smb.conf` file and only want to reload
new/modified shares:
service smb reload
This starts `smbd` (the Samba daemon) and `nmbd` (the NetBIOS
nameserver). You can check if Samba is listening to the correct ports by
issuing `netstat -tulpn`.
### Log files
Default log files are `/var/log/samba/{smbd.log, nmbd.log}`. These may
help troubleshoot any issues with startup or share connectivity.
### Connecting to a share
Get a listing of the shares on a host using `smbclient` (installed as
the package `samba-client`)
smbclient -L "//" -U sambauser
Mount a share using `mount` as follows:
mount -t cifs -o user=sambauser "// Uploads" /mnt/uploads
You can add this to your `/etc/fstab` too!
### Listing open files
Simply issue `smbstatus` to see all mounted shares. Here's some sample
Samba version 3.0.33-3.15.el5_4.1
PID Username Group Machine
26197 support support dhcpw80ff9676 (
Service pid machine Connected at
Tech Shed 26197 dhcpw80ff9676 Mon Apr 26 08:38:59 2010
Locked files:
Pid Uid DenyMode Access R/W Oplock SharePath Name Time
26197 501 DENY_NONE 0x100001 RDONLY NONE /media/techshed . Mon Apr 26 08:39:07 2010
Common Issues
From what I've experienced and read, adding your hostname to
`/etc/hosts` either speeds up or solves many issues with `smbd`.
A more egregious problem was with my IPTables config. Samba tries to
access port 631 even though I set `load printers` to **no** in my config
above. Since my IPTables blocking any unnecessary outputs as well, this
led to a point where issuing `service smb restart` would cause the
system to stall at:
Starting SMB Services
I could start `nmbd` manually by issuing `nmbd -D`. When I opened up
another terminal and checked the status of the SMB daemon, it was listed
as running *even though it was stalled at "Starting..." in the previous
I solved this after much psychological torture by adding these lines to
show add printer wizard = no
printing = none
printcap name = /dev/null
disable spoolss = yes
### Issues with PoPToP
The problem with trying to access an SMB share through a PPTP tunnel [is
elaborated here](
This is what I added to make things work (to `smb.conf`)
domain master = yes
domain logons = yes
Integrating OpenDirectory with Samba
### On OpenDirectory Master (10.4 Server)
* Enable, start the Windows service
* Make it a PDC (Primary Domain Controller) instead of Standalone
* Then entered this in Settings > General
Description : OpenDirectory Master
Computer Name : directory
Domain : HOME
* Under Settings > Access, uncheck LAN Manager (used for W95
support, insecure)
* In firewall, enable ports 137, 138, 139 and 445
### On Linux Box
Use `authconfig-tui` to configure with LDAP. Make sure you check the
"Use LDAP" and "Use LDAP Authentication" boxes. Type in the name of the
server and the search base. This effectively makes changes to
`/etc/nsswitch.conf` and `/etc/pam.d/system-auth`. You know when the
LDAP lookups are working when your server can pull directory information
like this:
[root@tiner etc]# id nanand
uid=40010(nanand) gid=20(games) groups=20(games),80(admin),1026(sheffield)
I then added this to `smb.conf` ("`testuser`" is the group I'd like to
restrict access to.)
workgroup = HOME
security = domain
encrypt passwords = yes
password server = directory
comment = Test Share
path = /home/support
public = yes
writable = yes
valid users = @testuser
force group = @HOME\testuser
Then set valid permissions on the folder you've shared
chown -R nobody:testuser /home/support
Then join the Samba box to the domain.
[root@tiner home]# net join -S directory -U diradmin
Joined domain HOME.
[root@tiner home]# service smb restart
Test and enjoy.