SwitchResX Notes Revision as of Friday, 14 February 2025 at 17:27 UTC

Goal was to try and get 4K @ 60Hz on a Vizio V405-G9. I did not achieve this goal.


EDID Report for Vizio V405-G9

EDID report generated by SwitchResX Version 4.9.1  for display V405-G9

------------------- RAW DATA ------------------------
     00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F
0  | 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 59 3A 33 10 00 00 00 00
1  | 01 1D 01 03 80 6E 3E 78 2A 62 6D AD 4F 48 AA 25
2  | 0C 47 4A A5 CE 00 D1 C0 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01
3  | 01 01 01 01 01 01 04 74 00 30 F2 70 5A 80 B0 58
4  | 8A 00 48 68 42 00 00 1E 02 3A 80 18 71 38 2D 40
5  | 58 2C 45 00 48 68 42 00 00 1E 00 00 00 FC 00 56
6  | 34 30 35 2D 47 39 0A 20 20 20 20 20 00 00 00 FD
7  | 00 17 4C 0F 8C 26 00 0A 20 20 20 20 20 20 02 37

     00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F
0  | 02 03 4A F0 56 5D 5E 5F 01 1F 10 14 05 13 04 20
1  | 22 3C 3E 12 16 03 07 11 15 02 06 29 09 7F 07 15
2  | 07 50 57 06 00 83 0F 00 00 6D 03 0C 00 20 00 38
3  | 3C 20 00 60 01 02 03 E2 00 F9 EB 01 46 D0 00 44
4  | 47 43 9C 3F 1F AA E3 05 03 01 01 1D 80 18 71 1C
5  | 16 20 58 2C 25 00 40 84 63 00 00 9E 00 00 00 00
6  | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
7  | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0A

     00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F
0  | 70 11 24 03 00 03 00 14 07 E8 00 00 FF 0E 2F 02
1  | AF 80 57 00 6F 08 59 00 07 80 09 00 0B 00 0A 53
2  | 77 69 74 63 68 52 65 73 58 95 00 00 00 00 00 00
3  | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
4  | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
5  | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
6  | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
7  | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 90

 < 00FFFFFF FFFFFF00 593A3310 00000000 011D0103 806E3E78 2A626DAD 4F48AA25 0C474AA5 CE00D1C0 01010101 01010101 01010101 01010474 0030F270 5A80B058 8A004868 4200001E 023A8018 71382D40 582C4500 48684200 001E0000 00FC0056 3430352D 47390A20 20202020 000000FD 00174C0F 8C26000A 20202020 20200237 02034AF0 565D5E5F 011F1014 05130420 223C3E12 16030711 15020629 097F0715 07505706 00830F00 006D030C 00200038 3C200060 010203E2 00F9EB01 46D00044 47439C3F 1FAAE305 0301011D 8018711C 1620582C 25004084 6300009E 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0000000A 70112403 00030014 07E80000 FF0E2F02 AF805700 6F085900 07800900 0B000A53 77697463 68526573 58950000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000090 >

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	Valid EDID block #0: checksum ok
	Valid EDID block #1: checksum ok
	Valid EDID block #2: checksum ok

------------------- MAIN EDID BLOCK -----------------

	EDID Version........1.3
	Manufacturer........VIZ (593A)
	Product ID..........4147 (1033)
	Serial Number.......00000000

	Manufactured........Week 1 of year 2019
	Max H Size..........110 cm
	Max V Size..........62 cm

Display Supported Features:
	Power Management: Active off

Display type:
	RGB color display
	Display is non continuous frequency
	Default color space is not sRGB standard
	First detailed Timing is preferred Timing

Input signal & sync:
	Digital Input

Color info:
	Red x = 0.677  Green x = 0.281  Blue x = 0.146  White x = 0.280
	Red y = 0.311  Green y = 0.666  Blue y = 0.049  White y = 0.290

Established Timings supported:
	#0:	 720 ×  400 @ 70Hz
	#1:	 640 ×  480 @ 60Hz
	#2:	 640 ×  480 @ 75Hz
	#3:	 800 ×  600 @ 60Hz
	#4:	 800 ×  600 @ 72Hz
	#5:	 800 ×  600 @ 75Hz
	#6:	1024 ×  768 @ 60Hz
	#7:	1024 ×  768 @ 70Hz
	#8:	1024 ×  768 @ 75Hz

Standard Timing supported:
	#0:	1920 × 1080 @ 60Hz 	(D1C0)

Monitor Description blocks:
	Descriptor #0 - Timing definition:
	Mode = 3840 × 2160 @ 30.000Hz
		Pixel Clock............. 297.00 MHz		Non-Interlaced

		                        Horizontal		Vertical
		Active.................. 3840 pixels		2160 lines
		Front Porch.............  176 pixels		   8 lines
		Sync Width..............   88 pixels		  10 lines
		Back Porch..............  296 pixels		  72 lines
		Blanking................  560 pixels		  90 lines
		Total................... 4400 pixels		2250 lines
		Scan Rate...............  67.500 kHz		 30.000 Hz

		Image Size.............. 1096 mm		 616 mm
		Border..................    0 pixels		   0 lines

			Sync: Digital separate with
				* Positive vertical polarity
				* Positive horizontal polarity

	Descriptor #1 - Timing definition:
	Mode = 1920 × 1080 @ 60.000Hz
		Pixel Clock............. 148.50 MHz		Non-Interlaced

		                        Horizontal		Vertical
		Active.................. 1920 pixels		1080 lines
		Front Porch.............   88 pixels		   4 lines
		Sync Width..............   44 pixels		   5 lines
		Back Porch..............  148 pixels		  36 lines
		Blanking................  280 pixels		  45 lines
		Total................... 2200 pixels		1125 lines
		Scan Rate...............  67.500 kHz		 60.000 Hz

		Image Size.............. 1096 mm		 616 mm
		Border..................    0 pixels		   0 lines

			Sync: Digital separate with
				* Positive vertical polarity
				* Positive horizontal polarity

	Descriptor #2 - Monitor name:

	Descriptor #3 - Monitor range:
		Horizontal frequency range.......15-140 kHz
		Vertical frequency range.........23-76 Hz
		Maximum bandwidth range..........380 MHz
		GTF supported

------------ EXTENSION EDID BLOCK   1 ---------------

CTA-EXT: CTA 861 Series Extension:
	First DTD block at offset...........70
	Display Supports:
		Underscan on PC modes
		Basic audio
		YCbCr 4:4:4
		YCbCr 4:2:2

	Data Block #1
	Video Type: standard CTA Timings
		VIC  0): ( 93) 3840 × 2160 @ 24Hz - 16:9 
		VIC  1): ( 94) 3840 × 2160 @ 25Hz - 16:9 
		VIC  2): ( 95) 3840 × 2160 @ 30Hz - 16:9 
		VIC  3): (  1) 640 × 480 @ 60Hz - 4:3 
		VIC  4): ( 31) 1920 × 1080 @ 50Hz - 16:9 
		VIC  5): ( 16) 1920 × 1080 @ 60Hz - 16:9 
		VIC  6): ( 20) 1920 × 1080i @ 50Hz - 16:9 
		VIC  7): (  5) 1920 × 1080i @ 60Hz - 16:9 
		VIC  8): ( 19) 1280 × 720 @ 50Hz - 16:9 
		VIC  9): (  4) 1280 × 720 @ 60Hz - 16:9 
		VIC 10): ( 32) 1920 × 1080 @ 24Hz - 16:9 
		VIC 11): ( 34) 1920 × 1080 @ 30Hz - 16:9 
		VIC 12): ( 60) 1280 × 720 @ 24Hz - 16:9 
		VIC 13): ( 62) 1280 × 720 @ 30Hz - 16:9 
		VIC 14): ( 18) 720 × 576 @ 50Hz - 16:9 
		VIC 15): ( 22) 1440 × 576i @ 50Hz - 16:9 
		VIC 16): (  3) 720 × 480 @ 60Hz - 16:9 
		VIC 17): (  7) 1440 × 480i @ 60Hz - 16:9 
		VIC 18): ( 17) 720 × 576 @ 50Hz - 4:3 
		VIC 19): ( 21) 1440 × 576i @ 50Hz - 4:3 
		VIC 20): (  2) 720 × 480 @ 60Hz - 4:3 
		VIC 21): (  6) 1440 × 480i @ 60Hz - 4:3 

	Data Block #2
	Audio Data Block
		Supported format:				Linear PCM, on 2 channels
		Supported sample rates (kHz):	32kHz, 44.1kHz, 48kHz, 88.2kHz, 96kHz, 176.4kHz, 192kHz
		Supported sample sizes (bits):	16 bit, 20 bit, 24 bit

		Supported format:				AC-3, on 6 channels
		Supported sample rates (kHz):	32kHz, 44.1kHz, 48kHz
		Maximum bitrate:					640 kb/s

		Supported format:				Dolby Digital+, on 8 channels
		Supported sample rates (kHz):	44.1kHz, 48kHz

	Data Block #3
	Speaker allocation data block
		Speaker map:
			FL/FR - Front Left/Right
			LFE1 - Low Frequency Effects 1
			FC - Front Center
			BL/BR - Back Left/Right

	Data Block #4
	Vendor specific Data Block - Vendor Identifier: 00:0C:03
	Found HDMI IEEE Registration Identifier
		CEC physical address...........
		Supports AI (ACP, ISRC)........ No
		Supports 48bpp color depth..... No
		Supports 36bpp color depth..... Yes
		Supports 30bpp color depth..... Yes
		Supports YCbCr 4:4:4........... Yes
		Supports dual-link DVI......... No
		Maximum TMDS clock............. 300 MHz
		HDMI video capabilities........ Yes
		Supports 3D.................... No
		HDMI 1.4a specifics............ present
			HDMI VIC 1):................. 3840 × 2160 @ 30Hz
			HDMI VIC 2):................. 3840 × 2160 @ 25Hz
			HDMI VIC 3):................. 3840 × 2160 @ 24Hz

	Data Block #5
	Extended Data Block: 	Video Capability Data Block
		CE scan behaviour: Always Overscannned
		IT scan behaviour: Always Underscanned
		PT scan behaviour: Support both over- and underscan
		RGB quantization: Selectable (via AVI Q)
		YCbCr quantization: Selectable (via AVI Q)

	Data Block #6
	Extended Data Block: 	Vendor specific Video Data Block - Vendor Identifier: 00:D0:46
		Payload: 44 47 43 9C 3F 1F AA 

	Data Block #7
	Extended Data Block: 	Colorimetry Data Block

	Detailed Timing Blocks - 0 is native
	Detailed Timing Block #1 - Timing definition:
	Mode = 1920 ×  540 @ 60.053Hz
		Pixel Clock............. 74.25 MHz		Interlaced

		                        Horizontal		Vertical
		Active.................. 1920 pixels		 540 lines
		Front Porch.............   88 pixels		   2 lines
		Sync Width..............   44 pixels		   5 lines
		Back Porch..............  148 pixels		  15 lines
		Blanking................  280 pixels		  22 lines
		Total................... 2200 pixels		 562 lines
		Scan Rate...............  33.750 kHz		 60.053 Hz

		Image Size.............. 1600 mm		 900 mm
		Border..................    0 pixels		   0 lines

			Sync: Digital separate with
				* Positive vertical polarity
				* Positive horizontal polarity

------------ EXTENSION EDID BLOCK   2 ---------------

DID-EXT: Display ID Extension:
	(only partly interpreted)
	DisplayID version........1.1

	DisplayID Block Type = Detailed Timing Block type 1:
	Detailed Timing #1 in Block
	Mode = 3840 × 2160 @ 60.000Hz
		Pixel Clock............. 594.00 MHz		Non-Interlaced

		                        Horizontal		Vertical
		Active.................. 3840 pixels		2160 lines
		Front Porch.............  176 pixels		   8 lines
		Sync Width..............   88 pixels		  10 lines
		Back Porch..............  296 pixels		  72 lines
		Blanking................  560 pixels		  90 lines
		Total................... 4400 pixels		2250 lines
		Scan Rate............... 135.000 kHz		 60.000 Hz

			Is non-default Mode
			Sync: Digital separate with
				* Positive vertical polarity
				* Positive horizontal polarity

	DisplayID Block Type = ASCII String: