Toiletries for Travel Raw

👉 You won't need all of these things. Adjust accordingly.

👉 Trick is to look for dry and/or compact variants of things you'd normally use in liquid form. Look for wipes, rollers, sticks, chewables (like for mouthwash), and the like. They last longer too!

## The List

### First Aid, Medicine, et al

- Antacid (e.g. Tums)
- Anti-bacterial Spray/Cream
- Anti-diarrhea (?)
- Anti-Histamine (e.g. Claritin D/Loratadine)
- Antibiotics
- Any prescribed medications of course
- Band-Aid
- Bandages
- Cotton Balls
- Electrolyte Packets (e.g. Gatorage/Pedialyte/Akla-Seltzer)
- Hydrocortisone cream (?)
- Insect Repellant Wipes
- Pain Reliever (e.g. Advil, Tylenol)
- Q-tips
- Sleeping Pills
- Vitamins - C, D, E

### Personal Hygiene

- Bodywash / Soap
- Conditioner
- Contact Solution
- Dental Floss
- Deodorant
- Eye drops
- Face wipes
- Facial Cleanser
- Facial Lotion
- Feminine-Hygiene Products
- Hand Sanitizer
- Lip balm
- Moisturizer
- Mouthwash
- Perfume
- Shampoo
- Sunscreen
- Toothpaste

### Plastics and Metals

- Ear plugs
- Hair Ties / Scrunchies / Bobby Pins
- Nail Clipper
- Nail File
- Portable Mirror
- Razors
- Toothbrush
- Electric Toothbrush extra heads
- Tweezers

## Notes

- Neutrogena makes this sunscreen in a stick
- Pick up a bar shampoo from somewhere [like Lush](
- [Here's Sandalwood 'fragrance' in a tin](
- [Dr. Bronner's Lavender]( can be used for body wash and laundry


- Containers for all these?
- TSA Standards?
- International Standards?