Turning Off Deep Sleep on Brother HL2350DW Revision as of Sunday, 23 June 2024 at 16:52 UTC

Because it’s annoying as fuck if you set up wireless printing. I’m assuming a PM at Brother thought this would save the planet and get them a promotion 🙄

Update for macOS

This still does not clear deep sleep sometimes. There’s apparently a maintenance mode option. I read through their troubleshooting guide. Then disabled IPv6 and things appear to work. Update It’s still shit. Nothing works with this freaking thing, not even the latest firmware update. I had to resort to 👇

Bash Script for Unifi Controller

👉 This only works if you use Unifi gear. Here’s a small bash script that ‘kicks’ the printer every hour or so. This is the equivalent of clicking “Reconnect” from the Unifi Controller UI. Unbelievable. There’s a PM at Brother who deserves at least one terrible week.


# https://ubntwiki.com/products/software/unifi-controller/api

set -euo pipefail

CURL_COMMAND="curl -s -S --cookie ${COOKIE_PATH} --cookie-jar ${COOKIE_PATH} --insecure "


login() {
        -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
        -X POST \
        -d "{\"password\":\"$PASSWORD\",\"username\":\"$USERNAME\"}" \
        $CONTROLLER_URI/api/login >/dev/null

logout() {

kick_the_fucking_printer() {
    response=$(${CURL_COMMAND} \
        -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
        -X POST \
        --data-binary "{\"cmd\":\"kick-sta\",\"mac\":\"$MAC_ADDRESS\"}" \
        $CONTROLLER_URI'/api/s/default/cmd/stamgr' \

    # This doesn't return any data, really. Else, you can use jq to parse it.
    echo "----------"
    echo "$response"
    echo "----------"
