Base Saag Recipe Raw

This version is a very rough dump of notes from when my brother-in-law made some. Consistently excellent taste. I'll update this with actual amounts when I make it myself.

## Ingredients


## Preparation

- In mustard oil at medium-high, add
    - Jeera
    - Red Chili (dried)
    - Ginger
    - Garlic
    - Green chilies
- Add minced onions and mix (1.5 onions)
- Add tomatoes / tomato paste (2-3)
- Add Coriander (Lots! 1 tbsp)
- Add Chili powder
- Add Water
- Reduce, then add spinach (1.5 bags)
- Kasuri Methi (dried fenugreek)
- Garam Masala
- 2-3 tbsp yoghurt as cream replacement

Blend and enjoy.